Operation Proverbs 22/6 - Bible Literature Ministry

Train a child in the way he should go, when he is old he will not depart from it.

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What is operation proverbs 22/6?

Operation proverbs 22/6 project main motto is to implement the verse Proverbs 22:6 "Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he wil not depart from it''. To lead the children in the right way is the goal of this project. We want implement this "BY ANY MEANS"

Christian and non-Christian organization in India helping the children providing them Food, Cloths, Medicine and Education. Nevertheless, no organization is taking personal care about the spiritual life of a child and deep concern to bring a child to Jesus Christ. Therefore, we decided to take care about spiritual life of children in villages. The Bible Literature Ministry’s motto is only to spread the Word of God through different modes. Operation Proverbs 22/6 is one of the mode intended only for children to train up them through Sunday schools.

Why is operation proverbs 22/6?

In present world, it is very difficult to lead children to Sunday school. Entertainment stuff like T.V, mobile phones, internet have a lot of influence on children there by making them to ignore God. As a matter of fact, the responsibility of children resides on their parents an the pastor. Due to overwhelming attention of parents towards their children studies and jobs, neglecting the child's spiritual life making children to choose studies, job, business as meaningful life. Unlike the previous generation, the children in this generation are mentally empowered enough to challenge their elders. Due to lack of spiritual environment in the family, the responsibility of child falls in the hands of pastor. Unfortunately, not even 10% of pastors are taking the responsibility in bringing the children to God. Even though there is sunday school, sufficient efforts are not put forth to bring children to God. In this scenario, there is need for someone who determined to carry the burden for God and take the responsibility of the children, concentrating on child's spirituality and traing them to follow the path of God. During Jesus Christ’s time, though he spoke to the women of Jerusalem, through them he spoke to us. The youngsters of today have no value or good attitudes instead they have become very unruly in spite of the parents’ expectations of the children passing examinations well.The present day children are not ready to accept good advice; therefore, they leave their homes or commit suicide when they are advised. The parents are to be blamed for this situation. Instead of taking the children to Sunday school they proudly take them to the tuition class. The destruction caused by such children is evident.

In India the Christians are only 2.3% of its population. As India is Hindu country, they worship so many Gods. They have so many festivals and they perform the customs and rituals. As Christians live among the Hindus, the customs and rituals of the Hindus influence the Christians. The influence of the Hindu culture will be more upon the Children. 90% of the churches in the villages do not care about Sunday schools for children. More or less churches, which conduct Sunday schools, do not take proper care about spiritual life of children.

How does Operation Proverbs 22/6 works?

For past 9 years BLM took the burden of reaching the children and put up a lot of efforts in bringing children to God by conducting Sunday schools in many villages. But due to lack of man force and funds, not able to achieve what we are planned. So with the idea given by God, through this Operation Proverbs 22/6, with the help of workers and funds, with a lot of new programmes, the spirituality of the chindren can be enhanced. Naturally, children are more interested towards the entertaining programmes. So, by conducting entertaining programmes which not only enhances the Bible knowledge but also creates interest on Sunday School.

For last 9 years BLM has been conducting sunday schools in 10 selected villages on a route in a day during a period of 6 months, only covers 15 to 20 villages in a year. During this 9 years we are only able to cover 150 villages. In that case we could only be able to cover 500 villages in life time. So we are not even able to cover 1000 villages atleast in our district. And to that, by visiting many villages in one day inhibits us from spending more time in one village, so we are not able to implement all programmes.

Programmes to be implemented:

*Children are fond of games so by creating Bible games and conducting them in the Sunday school, also the games that can be played in their home. Eg:Card games,Puzzles etc..,
*Showing movies to children on how they can change their lives by coming to Sunday school. Children likes to watch T.V so by showing them the movies seeds interest towards Sunday school.
*Speaking with parents and making them realise the importance of sunday school.

Teaching Pattern:

*Basically to increase the Bible knowledge of children, specially designed books are distributed and narrating the stories of people in Bible as a history which helps them to develop fear of God.
*Frequent exams, Quizes helps children to remember what they have learned and to engage competitive spirit among them.
*During short term holidays, conducting one day V.B.S. in every village.
*Maintaining diary for every child so that they can remember Sunday school everyday.
*Complete Bible reading within one year.
*Teaching them fear of God, Obedience to parents, respecting elders, loving fellow mates.
*By organising fun events based on Bible like Bible movies, puppet shows, Bible games etc..,


"Train the child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it". We teach with the believe that they might be useful at some point of their lives. children are greatly influenced by the Sunday school while they are growing. This one year teaching may not bring an immediate change but we believe by the faith in God that somehow they could be useful in their lifetime. Eccelesiastes 11:1 says "Cast your bread on the surface of waters for you will find it after many days". We decided to continue our journey with the hope that result would definitely appear".

This Operation Proverbs 22/6 has started with great desire nontheless expensive too. Yet we have been conducting with our own expenses expecting nothing even the offerings. Not to expet any kind of incentives or profit from the fellowships, people and children been the main principle of BLM. Thus made our journey in God only by faith and never accepted anything from any of 150 villages we have visited so far. But whoever wants to donate the money has been used for the Sunday school ministry.

But this operation proverbs 22/6 started with only faith and verse Isaiah 49:23 "Then you will know that I am the LORD; those who hope in me will not be disappointed" gave us lot of strength. We believe that God will help for this wonderful project by opening the hearts of his children and making them to put up their hands in his work.


To train up a child, basically we need Sunday school teachers. If we provide them some salary or honorarium, they will work more responsibly and fearfully. If they work free, we cannot demand them to conduct Sunday school regularly. Whenever they are free, only they will show their interest to conduct Sunday school. Therefore, if we want to get some result, it is better to provide them some salary or honorarium.

Books, Material: 1.Bible learning books 2. Diary 3. Teachers Guide 4.Colouring Book 5.Songs Book, Planar Boards, Puppets, Crayons, Colour Pencils
Man Power: Sunday school teachers, co-ordinaters, supervisors, office staff.
Transportation: Four wheeler vehicles(Van),Two wheeler vehicles-2.

What you can do for Operation proverbs 22/6?

Sunday school sponsorship is a commitment that will surely spell HOPE in the spiritual life of a child. Through your support, a child will have access to Bible knowledge, close relationship with God and grow with moral values in the society. Not just that, your sponsored Sunday school teacher will have the chance to concentrate on the children of Sunday schools.

You can make a happy childhood a reality in every child’s life. Your support can bridge the gap between a life of despair and the joy of a healthy happy childhood.

Dear brother/sister, we are hoping that you could take part in this burden given by God to us. Based on "And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will not lose the reward". Your help in any means is appretiable to this life changing project for children.

Taking a village as single fundamental unit gathering maximum possible children to God. We are determined to start this project in the backward district Prakasam district in Andhra Pradesh state of India. Cost to run Sunday school over a year in one village comprising sunday school teacher salary, Books and other expenses. So if you are ready to adopt any village and help the children over there to grow in God by offering financial aid or with supplies. The detailed information about your adopted village will be sent to you every month.Your prayers and suggestions are needed to us.

Thank you very much for spending time to read about our ministry.



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